Tag: ladder

Here it is 2012 and although women have climbed higher on the rungs of that ladder of opportunity, females in the workplace continue to earn 70 cents to every male’s dollar. Unfortunately, that fact is a huge social bruise when we examine gender differences on the basketball court.  Marian Jones, a well-known athlete who lost all five gold medals in 2000 when she admitted to using steroids, is now a rookie, playing guard for Tulsa Shock in Oklahoma. Her salary? $35,000. Veteran WNBA member, Lisa Leslie, began when the league was launched 13 years ago. She gained a fast reputation… Read more »

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There are lots of rather quirky beliefs floating around in our history. Some people take them very seriously while others just roll their eyes. Lots of people believe, for example, that breaking a mirror, walking under a ladder or seeing a black cat are longtime bad luck makers. These are examples of how, in our culture, we can find superstition threaded into every age group and every generation. Basketballers are no different. Besides you and your buddies who congregate under the Gorilla Basketball Goal in your yard. You may even know some of the quirks and superstitions each of you… Read more »

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