Tag: aren

You know the score. Broad-shouldered, stoutly built guys are expected to play football. Tall, lanky guys are expected to play basketball.  If your body happens to stretch past six feet, you are likely being stocked by family members and school coaches. If you’re the athlete who doesn’t have long legs- say you aren’t even close to being six feet tall- don’t think you aren’t allowed on the basketball court. History shows us here at the Basketball Goal Store that you don’t necessarily have to be the athlete who towers over everyone, you have to be the athlete with amazing skill… Read more »

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Even people who aren’t exactly crazy about basketball (are there really people in the world who don’t love the game?) are crazy about the funny team companions. They dance. They shoot hoops. They interact with the crowd, make fans laugh and ham it up for photographers. And no, we are not talking about the referees! We’re talking about a basketball team’s beloved mascot. We can trace the word to hundreds of years ago when it was used as French slang to describe a lucky charm for a gambler. When George Preston Marshall took on the Boston Braves franchise in 1932,… Read more »

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Most boys aren’t like my neighbor. This spunky 8-year-old is out on his driveway shoveling the snow away so he can shoot some hoops. Even in temperatures in the single digits, he’s out there. I don’t know if I would be happy about my son trying to play basketball outside in those conditions, but I don’t think if he was as determined as this kid, I could stop him. For less determined kids there is another option besides trolling the Basketball Goal Store website making a wishlist and leaving hints for mom and dad. One which parents (and teachers) will… Read more »

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Slam dunks and the sound of swisssshhhh is great, but bank shots are money in the bank! John Wooden was a big fan of bank shots – he made it the focus of many practice sessions. UCLA’s undefeated 1972 – 73 team, including the legendary Bill Walton, racked up points using the bank shot. Richard “Digger” Phelps (before ESPN fame, he was the winningest Notre Dame basketball coach ever) suggests playing an entire game using nothing but bank shots. (Whew!) Bank shots aren’t glamorous, but do teach good form – and that’s what’s needed to excel at the game. See,… Read more »

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Kids will be kids, but boy can it be aggravating sometimes! They play practical jokes on each other. (Why do they call them practical? The jokes usually aren’t.) Case in point: I remember when a friend had her Volkswagen Beetle picked up and wedged sideways into a spot where there was no way she could drive it out. It was great fun for the jokers, but not so much for the jokee. Likewise when at my first job (fast food); the bathroom key was attached to a great big piece of 2 x 4 lumber – the idea being no… Read more »

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