Tag: basketball dribbling

Not every home practice drill for basketball has to take place on your backyard court. For some, you don’t need the premium, in-ground Goalrilla Basketball Goal. But here in the basketball-crazy state of Indiana from where the Basketball Goal Store operates, we know that after the drills are done, it’s just fun to get a pick-up game together or just throw some free throws. There’s nothing as soothing as listening to the twap-twap, twap of a basketball dribbling or the swish of all net. But back to on-court performance and becoming a great player: Driving to get into position on… Read more »

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Believe it or not, the word dribble was first used in 1589 – yes, more than 400 years ago. Granted, it was probably used to talk about a trickle of water of some person (or some thing) drooling. But without a doubt, when you say dribble or dribbling these days, most people think of basketball – and well they should! In basketball, dribbling is one of the two ways to move the ball around the court. (The other one, passing, is a whole other topic.) The Merriam Webster dictionary provides one definition: to propel by successive slightย taps or bounces with… Read more »

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