Tag: weight

Ok, so this was a new one on me – but it makes perfect sense. You know I am not a fan of the portable basketball goals – for me, there are several reasons: 1. They are not durable: two-piece poles erode and break and the plastic “weight” on the bottom cracks. 2. They are not cost-effective: as children grow and the elements take their toll on the materials from the goals are constructed, families have to spend moreย  money to replace the goals. 3. They are dangerous: The supposed “weight” of water filling the reservoir is not enough to… Read more »

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By now everyone has heard all the recent reports and statistics about health and obesity levels for all ages and genders in the United States. Getting more exercise is one of the reasons some families reach out to us here at the Basketball Goal Store. Parents want a home basketball court where they, and their children, have a place to play their way to better health. And with the great volume-buying prices and overstock deals, the Basketball Goal Store is the place to find a premium in-ground Goalrilla Goal. Gym memberships are great – but it’s more than just the… Read more »

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