As a coach or as a player, improving your skills and improving the different aspects of your game is an important step for any athlete. When you use the right training equipment, you will find it is much easier to improve the overall quality of your game. To help elevate your basketball practice sessions, utilize the Goalrilla G Trainer. The G Trainer is versatile and can be used for a series of single player or team drills. It is a great piece to add to any gym. From working on the chest pass to receiving the pass, the G Trainer… Read more »
Tag: basketball shooting
The running and form drills are great for creating body motion memory, but we all want to take some shots at the basketball goal and well, when you do so many drills without taking any shots – basketballers get antsy – or perhaps the better word is bored. So break up the endurance and defense drills with an Elbow-to-Elbow Shooting Drill. It lasts for 1.5 to 2 full minutes and counting the number of baskets made makes it pass quickly. The repetition of shooting using correct form and a strong pivot at the fastest pace will translate onto the court.… Read more »
Shooting the basketball (and more importantly, scoring!) requires consistency. It’s true for all types of basketball shots, and especially true for free throw shooting. Putting the fundamentals in motion time after time will boost your scoring and make you a player to watch. The Basketball Goal Store wants you to be the best player you can be. That’s why we created this blog, so you can find – and use to your advantage – these and other tips that can help you become a prime time player. Subscribe to this blog to make sure you don’t miss a thing. Then,… Read more »
Fundamentals – fundamentals – fundamentals. You’re probably tired of hearing it, but it’s true: Improve form and technique with good fundamentals and your game will improve. You’ll make more baskets and be a basketball scorer rather than just a shooter. (There is a difference, you know.) It’s precise skill that turns shooting into points. The Basketball Goal Store is where you’ll find the premier, in-ground Goalrilla Basketball Goal equipment you need to use. The Basketball Goal Store blog is your resource to find step-by-step instructions, tips and drills – and demonstration videos – to learn the fundamentals to make you… Read more »
If you want to be a scorer, concentrate on your form. When the fundamentals come automatically, your performance will improve. Not only does the Basketball Goal Store offer premier Goalrilla Basketball Goal systems, they’re also interested in helping players learn and practice fundamental skills. Check back often (or subscribe to our blog!) where you’ll find resources to help you learn correct form with step-by-step instructions, tips and drills – and videos that show you what we’re talking about. Our series will also provide drills to practice at home on your own Goalrilla Basketball Goal home court, (available at great prices… Read more »