Tag: Goals

The Goalrilla G Trainer uses a simple net and frame design that utilizes a ball dampening system on one half and a rebounder on the other. The sturdy body and locking wheel mechanism on the Goalrilla G Trainer makes it very sturdy and eliminates the trainer from shuffling or moving around as you perform various basketball drills and exercises. Each side has its own benefits, but one thing about the trainer that is worth spotting is that you can use this to train yourself in many types of three-point shooting drills. The catch and react drill is one such option.… Read more »

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Using the Goalrilla G Trainer, this basketball practice drill is going to work on a reverse pivot/jab step, which will allow a player to free himself up for a three point jump shot. The Goalrilla G Trainer will be set up at about the half court mark. The offensive player is going to start the drill directly below the basketball goal and will work their way up towards the trainer. To execute the basketball drill properly, players will run towards the Goalrilla G Trainer and will deliver a chest pass (at about the free throw line) to the trainer. Upon… Read more »

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In this basketball drill, players are going to go through a fluid, simple motion with the Goalrilla G Trainer. Setting the trainer up at the left or right end of the court, the player is going to be positioned at the opposite end and will dribble towards the trainer. Taking three to five dribbles and making the chest pass from a few feet before reaching the middle of the key, the ball will rebound off the G Trainer. The player will continually approach the trainer and catch the pass at about the middle of the key. From there, they will… Read more »

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Ok, so this was a new one on me – but it makes perfect sense. You know I am not a fan of the portable basketball goals – for me, there are several reasons: 1. They are not durable: two-piece poles erode and break and the plastic “weight” on the bottom cracks. 2. They are not cost-effective: as children grow and the elements take their toll on the materials from the goals are constructed, families have to spend moreย  money to replace the goals. 3. They are dangerous: The supposed “weight” of water filling the reservoir is not enough to… Read more »

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In my walks around the subdivision I live in, I happen to notice a lot of the basketball goals. In several of the blog posts I have talked about the economy portable basketball goals that are available just about everywhere (I even saw them for sale in a drugstore!!). Parents have told me they buy them because theyโ€™re cheap โ€“ and they can keep them in the garage when not in use. But we all know where they stay โ€“ outside. Portable basketball hoops go through several stages When they first arrive, the base is filled with water to weigh… Read more »

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It seems every day that youโ€™re having to tell your kids to take the bucket off the dresser and bouncing the basketball off the walls. (One kid I know actually put a trashcan in the top drawer of a chest of drawers and used duct tape (!) to tape the drawer tight so the can would stay put โ€ฆ) Itโ€™s time to get the fledgling basketball star out of the house and onto a home court. But you have to be careful โ€“ thereโ€™s nothing that will squash the enthusiasm of a youngster faster than trying to make a basket… Read more »

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Way, way back in December of 1891, physical education teacher James Naismith introduced his class to two peach baskets he had nailed to the lower rail of the balcony at both ends of the gym, 13 rules for a new game, and using a soccer ball, basketball was born. Itโ€™s said Naismith wrote those 13 rules in about an hour โ€“ which is pretty unbelievable considering how long it takes the committees to make changes to the rules these days. There have been changes; the original rules did not account for dribbling โ€“ can you imagine that? Another difference: his… Read more »

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Kids will be kids, but boy can it be aggravating sometimes! They play practical jokes on each other. (Why do they call them practical? The jokes usually arenโ€™t.) Case in point: I remember when a friend had her Volkswagen Beetle picked up and wedged sideways into a spot where there was no way she could drive it out. It was great fun for the jokers, but not so much for the jokee. Likewise when at my first job (fast food); the bathroom key was attached to a great big piece of 2 x 4 lumber – the idea being no… Read more »

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One of the questions we get a lot here at the Basketball Goal Store is about the adjustability feature on the Goalrilla Basketball Goals we offer. People ask why the Goalrilla Goal adjusts specifically from 7.5 to 10-feet. There are several products out there on the market that adjust downward to 6-feet – and even a few more that go to 5-feet. Safety is always first with Goalrilla Basketball Goals ASTM standards for adjustable basketball systems prohibit adjustments lower than 7.5-feet for customer safety. Serious injury to the mouth and teeth can happen if teeth or braces get caught in… Read more »

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Rumors are flying all around the NBA about players being traded and deals being just a handshake away as the deadline for trades approaches.

Even though fans get either elated or irritated with all the trades and deals, itโ€™s a fact that basketball players change teams a lot. Careers and popularity rise and fall โ€“

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