Goalrilla is among the world’s leading organizations that make equipment like basketball hoops and goals. The company is among the industry leaders because they know how to build systems that will hold firm under any rigorous play. The Goalrilla basketball goal systems are highly adjustable systems that let users change them according to their desired play style. The basketball goals also offer safety and impressive build quality. This is due to the thickness of the materials used, along with the features included and the sizes of the goals. All the goals that Goalrilla makes conform to the standards set by… Read more »
Tag: basketball system
At this writing, 41 professional NBA basketball players are crossing the pond to go balling outside of America. Some are long-term deals, some have opt-out provisions. Is it smart? On one hand, the basketball players leaving the states during the ever-continuing lock-out will be playing in a competitive forum and keeping their skills hot. That’s not to say that many of the professionals are not going full out in their own private practice sessions, but it’s just not the same. When you are practicing at game-like intensity against the best in the business – that’s skill-honing. Driving hard, drilling three-pointers,… Read more »
For beginners and intermediate players, mastering the fundamentals of passing is crucial to building a team on the court. Develop that passing proficiency and confidence with the Wall and Ball Two Hand Chest Pass Drill. All you need is a wall (with no windows) and a basketball. Combine this drill with a drill shooting baskets on your Goalrilla Goal Basketball Goal in your driveway or on your home court. (With answers to all your questions and the best equipment available, the Basketball Goal Store is the place to go for your Goalrilla Goal Basketball system.) Players can engage in an independent routine of… Read more »
So you have a son or daughter who got a taste of basketball at summer camp or saw a really exciting clip on YouTube and now they want to play. That’s great! Call us at the Basketball Goal Store and since we are the No. 1 online retailer, we can set you up with the best premium, in-ground Goalrilla Goal Basketball System for your own home basketball installation. (If you didn’t already know, a Goalrilla Goal purchase will get you a lifetime of fun and health benefits and we have great prices and quick delivery!) Anyway, we also like to help parents teach these… Read more »
There are lots of flashy moves with a basketball – you’ve seen them through the years. The driving speed dribble and on-the-move dribbling of some of the greatest players ever to grace the court are amazing to watch – but it all begins with the fundamentals of ball handling. No one will ever be great – or even adequate – on the boards without a firm mastery of how to dominate the ball in the face of defenders. I never get tired of saying it: practice, practice, practice! (Although I’m sure they’re probably tired of hearing it here at the Basketball Goal… Read more »
Well the 2011 NBA championship has been decided – and I would think that Mike Bibby is one really disappointed guy. As you might recall, Bibby gave up a $6.2 million dollar paycheck to play for free agent wages with the Miami Heat. General consensus was that this player was on the backside of his career and wanted to “win the big one.” Well, sometimes you take a chance and it works out just how you hope it would. Other times, well, not so much – like for Bibby and the Heat this year. It really isn’t worth the chance… Read more »
“How should I know? You didn’t tell me!” If you have children, a spouse, or any people around you, you know how effective communication gets things done or greases the wheel to get along!! Without communication, people assume that someone else will do something and then no one does it. Like when parents don’t communicate and no one goes to pick up Johnny from practice. It happens when the garden doesn’t get watered or the car isn’t gassed up. The same is true on the basketball court. It’s just another way the game of basketball can be a place to… Read more »
It takes two, baby — Really, it takes more than two on the basketball court, but it’s the idea that a team is more than one player and a good team moves the ball between players to win games – and that requires passing. Developing a strong, fundamentally sound stationary two-handed chest pass is a key building block to moving the basketball from one player to another – and puts the team into teamwork. Teamwork on the court means players are familiar with how each other play and they work together to move the ball and score. That familiarity comes… Read more »
It’s really hard to comprehend the number 11.109 million. Imagine that many marbles – or hot dogs! No matter how you look at it – that’s a big number! It’s a number that set a record – it’s the number of people who watched the Eastern conference finals game between the Chicago Bulls and the Miami Heat on May 15. (It beat out the record 10.829 million viewers who watched Michael Jordan’s last NBA All-Star Game in 2003.) The point is, basketball is popular – there’s no denying that and if you want a sport that will keep you in… Read more »
If you’ve been following our series on Fundamentals of Shooting (Perimeter) you’ve read the instructions and watched the video. There are a few extra little tidbits to add that might help you understand why these three phases, and mastering the fundamentals are important in developing that “shooter’s touch.” As I said before, everyone here at the Basketball Goal Store knows equipment is important which is why we offer the best (and, I might add, the original) premium, in-ground Goalrilla Goal Basketball system. We also know mastering the basic techniques and mechanics of the game are important too, which is why… Read more »