Eliminate the bob and gallop for your beginner with a good defensive drill like the Wall Ball and Slide Defensive Drill. Gearing the drill down to a beginner level is easy. The main concentration for beginners is staying in the stance with a forceful drive and recover pattern. Concentrate on a few key elements: Stay down in the defensive stance – keep the head level and butt down to prevent bobbing and galloping. Drive and recover – keep the underhand toss of the ball not too high and with enough force to prevent it from bouncing on the ground. Stay… Read more »
Tag: basketball
Just about everyone favors one hand over another. There are two camps: those full of right-handers and those with the left-handers. On the basketball court that usually means that one hand is stronger than the other. But there is a great drill to develop strength in whichever side is your weaker side while developing ball handling and wraparound passing skills. That is the Wall and Ball Wrap Around Bounce Pass Drill. The player will need three things: a solid brick or concrete wall (no windows!) a basketball the pad off your Goalrilla Goal Basketball Hoop to stand in as a mock… Read more »
One of the best things about having that Goalrilla Basketball Goal backyard court is that when you really work hard at practice drills and are really tired, all you have to do is walk indoors. You don’t have to collect up your gear, walk to the car, drive home and lug everything into the house. With the wide selection of Goalrilla Basketball Goals at the Basketball Goal Store, every family can find the size and features they want in their Goalrilla Goal at a great price and get it delivered quickly. One of the drills that can really wear the players out is the Spot-Up Shooting Drill.… Read more »
You can run the height on the Goalrilla Goal Basketball Goal in your home court all the way up to the 10-foot maximum because you won’t need the basketball or hoop for this drill. (Just keep it handy for a some practice some baskets if you have the energy left when you’re done with this drill.) Two aspects of playing basketball are critical: skills and endurance. Every player needs to have solid fundamental skills to really be good on the court and making good use of the basketball goal. You know the players that are great – until the end of the game when they just run… Read more »
In so many sports, including basketball, the ability to change direction and really drive earmarks a great player. You hear comments like, “He was all over me – no matter where I turned, he was there!” You like to be the “he” in that statement. Getting between your opponent and his teammates or the basketball goal means you interfere with the team’s ability to score – and maybe even put you or someone on your team in a position to reverse position of the ball – results are frenzied screams from the bleachers … and maybe even wins on the record books.… Read more »
An NBA basketball game is set at 4 quarters – 12 minutes each for a total of 48 minutes of game time. We all know that with timeouts and half time that it lasts much longer, but the actual regular playing time is 48 minutes. Think about that – 48 minutes of striving to reach the basketball goal and make some points – requires a lot of energy, doesn’t it? Every armchair athlete knows 48 minutes of motion requires some preparation – a 5-minute mile is a runner’s benchmark – so how many miles does a player run during a… Read more »
The running and form drills are great for creating body motion memory, but we all want to take some shots at the basketball goal and well, when you do so many drills without taking any shots – basketballers get antsy – or perhaps the better word is bored. So break up the endurance and defense drills with an Elbow-to-Elbow Shooting Drill. It lasts for 1.5 to 2 full minutes and counting the number of baskets made makes it pass quickly. The repetition of shooting using correct form and a strong pivot at the fastest pace will translate onto the court.… Read more »
School is getting back into session and after sitting and thinking hard all day long, it’s time for the kids to get out and move! Having a backyard basketball court with a Goalrilla Basketball Goal System makes it easy to let them re-energize. The Basketball Goal Store is the largest online retailer of the premium in-ground Goalrilla Basketball Goals and has all the information and assistance needed to create a basketball court at your home for your family. Drills are a great way to focus attention on one skill and routine that allows the player to really concentrate – it’s sort of like an athletic meditation… Read more »
By now everyone has heard all the recent reports and statistics about health and obesity levels for all ages and genders in the United States. Getting more exercise is one of the reasons some families reach out to us here at the Basketball Goal Store. Parents want a home basketball court where they, and their children, have a place to play their way to better health. And with the great volume-buying prices and overstock deals, the Basketball Goal Store is the place to find a premium in-ground Goalrilla Goal. Gym memberships are great – but it’s more than just the… Read more »
Believe it or not, the word dribble was first used in 1589 – yes, more than 400 years ago. Granted, it was probably used to talk about a trickle of water of some person (or some thing) drooling. But without a doubt, when you say dribble or dribbling these days, most people think of basketball – and well they should! In basketball, dribbling is one of the two ways to move the ball around the court. (The other one, passing, is a whole other topic.) The Merriam Webster dictionary provides one definition: to propel by successive slight taps or bounces with… Read more »
So you have a son or daughter who got a taste of basketball at summer camp or saw a really exciting clip on YouTube and now they want to play. That’s great! Call us at the Basketball Goal Store and since we are the No. 1 online retailer, we can set you up with the best premium, in-ground Goalrilla Goal Basketball System for your own home basketball installation. (If you didn’t already know, a Goalrilla Goal purchase will get you a lifetime of fun and health benefits and we have great prices and quick delivery!) Anyway, we also like to help parents teach these… Read more »
Capitalize on all that energy kids have by challenging them to learn and develop new basketball skills on your home court. Kids think it’s fun to try to do something new and get faster and better at it while being encouraged and guided by someone like mom, dad, uncle, aunt or coach. Do that with a modified 55-second garden gloves dribbling drill. There are a few things you won’t need for the beginner’s drill: the Goalrilla Basketball Goal (at least not until you’re done with the practice to shoot for fun!) the garden gloves just 55 seconds The 55 Second… Read more »
Got a minute for a drill on your home basketball court? You won’t need to adjust the height of the Goalrilla Basketball Goal for this drill, because it’s all about dribbling – there isn’t a shot in it. (Although when you’re done, you can make all the baskets you want!) The 55 Second Garden Gloves Dribbling Drill Grab a pair of mom or dad’s garden gloves for this drill. (Just remember to put them back when you’re finished!) The idea behind the garden gloves is to create an obstacle and challenge you to improve ball handling and hand agility. When… Read more »
There are lots of flashy moves with a basketball – you’ve seen them through the years. The driving speed dribble and on-the-move dribbling of some of the greatest players ever to grace the court are amazing to watch – but it all begins with the fundamentals of ball handling. No one will ever be great – or even adequate – on the boards without a firm mastery of how to dominate the ball in the face of defenders. I never get tired of saying it: practice, practice, practice! (Although I’m sure they’re probably tired of hearing it here at the Basketball Goal… Read more »
Free throw shooting always takes place from the same place on the basketball court (and without a defender challenging your shot). Because of this, free throws can be your big chance to put points on the scoreboard. All you need to do is master the fundamentals, tune out distractions, take careful aim at your Goalrilla Basketball Goal, and follow through. As you practice your free throw shooting, refer often to this Basketball Goal Store blog (or better yet, subscribe!) so you can be among the first to master these and other basketball skills. Free Throw Shooting Fundamentals: Part 1 There… Read more »
Basketball backboards are not created equal – and the disparity is important when choosing one for your family. 1. Get a strong frame Even though some basketball goals may have the desirable ½-inch glass backboard, it is supported sandwiched in an aluminum frame. Aluminum is weak with a lot of flex in it. Therefore, rebound characteristics during play are inconsistent over the surface of the backboard. Three (3) Goalrilla Basketball Goal systems have a ½-inch glass backboard that is fully supported by a welded tube steel frame. Steel is strong and has little flex in it. The welded wide span… Read more »
“How should I know? You didn’t tell me!” If you have children, a spouse, or any people around you, you know how effective communication gets things done or greases the wheel to get along!! Without communication, people assume that someone else will do something and then no one does it. Like when parents don’t communicate and no one goes to pick up Johnny from practice. It happens when the garden doesn’t get watered or the car isn’t gassed up. The same is true on the basketball court. It’s just another way the game of basketball can be a place to… Read more »
Shooting baskets and scoring points is a thrill – But a winning record requires a good defense, too. And a good defense begins with the most important aspect of playing defense – a proper defensive stance. That being said, a good fundamental defensive stance position does not take into account a player’s position on the floor, ball position on the floor or one-on-one defensive movement required by the player. That takes engaging the brain and knowledge of the game and – you’ve heard it before: P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E!!! Practicing is easy when you have a Goalrilla Basketball Goal system at home. With… Read more »
It takes two, baby — Really, it takes more than two on the basketball court, but it’s the idea that a team is more than one player and a good team moves the ball between players to win games – and that requires passing. Developing a strong, fundamentally sound stationary two-handed chest pass is a key building block to moving the basketball from one player to another – and puts the team into teamwork. Teamwork on the court means players are familiar with how each other play and they work together to move the ball and score. That familiarity comes… Read more »
Fundamentals – fundamentals – fundamentals. You’re probably tired of hearing it, but it’s true: Improve form and technique with good fundamentals and your game will improve. You’ll make more baskets and be a basketball scorer rather than just a shooter. (There is a difference, you know.) It’s precise skill that turns shooting into points. The Basketball Goal Store is where you’ll find the premier, in-ground Goalrilla Basketball Goal equipment you need to use. The Basketball Goal Store blog is your resource to find step-by-step instructions, tips and drills – and demonstration videos – to learn the fundamentals to make you… Read more »